
譜記品牌策略設計公司1991年創立於臺北,為因應品牌國際化經營趨勢,2013年於北京朝陽區成立迪孚瑞譜國際品牌策略規劃公司(北京)。25年來, 從服務於近百家國際化連鎖企業的策略設計實務中,我們累積了豐富的品牌管理經驗,已整合成獨特的國際品牌智庫及資源。譜記品牌專業的顧問團隊,精益求精,將繼續為華品牌企業為主, 提供更國際化的視野與洞見,並且導入設計管理的標準與網路整合商業模式,系統化地協助您掌握品牌創新、策略與管理。維護企業主寶貴的品牌資產,透過提升品牌力,為華品牌創造千萬倍的品牌價值,讓華品 牌擴大至兩岸各地,乃至全球市場。


Integrate Global Chinese Culture

Resources and Create the Maximum

Brand Value

Taiwan is a nation emerging from Chinese culture.

Taiwanese culture has a strong heritage in include Chinese culture, Japan and Japan culture, as well as the Netherlands, Spain, the United States and other international cultural essence, and Taiwan includes lively, innovative, ocean, vibrant, dedicated, inclusive of other elements, so Taiwan's unique DNA, is the core of Taiwan's international brands!

The mainland enterprises learned lessons from Taiwan enterprise development, which helps improve the advantages of globalization, because the experience of Taiwan talent globalization is forty years earlier!

Sinobrands Corp. based in Taipei twenty five years, is now holding a joint venture with Beijing DF Rich international brand strategy planning company(Beijing).

Sinobrands through nearly three decades of service to international franchisees, from the accumulated experience, think tanks and international brands to integrate resources.